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Weight reduction and body fat reduction

weight loss

Slimming is currently one of the popular words you can hear in fitness clubs. No wonder: everyone wants to look great next summer. What's the difference between weight loss and fat loss? We happen to use these two terms interchangeably, and we shouldn't!

Let's look at the general definitions.

Weight reduction (weight loss) = you want to reduce, among other things, fat mass, muscle tissue, bones, water, organs, etc.

Fat reduction (fat loss) = you want to reduce your fat mass

By focusing on body weight (colloquially your body weight) you mean fat loss. You want to get rid of excess fat. In some cases, weight loss is the number one priority and include:

obese people
overweight people
athletes who must gain weight before competition

If you're not one of them, stop weighing yourself! You know why?

Body weight fluctuates many times a day depending on, among other things, fluid intake, monthly cycle meals, stress levels, carbohydrate supply in the diet, sodium supply, medications, supplements, bowel movements. In a word: you have no influence on many factors, but not all.

Two people of similar height may weigh the same, but look completely different because they have different levels of fat and muscle. Look below: they are two different people, the same height, SAME BODY, and the figure looks completely different.

The above comparison confirms that BMI is totally impractical, especially for people of normal body weight or even mildly overweight.

fitness womanFocusing on body weight is also not practical when doing strength training. You can lose fat, but gain muscle mass, which will make you look BETTER at the same weight or even BETTER. This is why most slimming women become discouraged after a dozen weeks of solid strength training. Body weight doesn't change, so there are thoughts that training and dieting don't work. In the meantime, just look in the mirror and try to evaluate what you see, which is more appetizing, with less body fat and less cellulite.

How to lose fat instead of body weight (body fat + muscle tissue + rest)?

Exercise your strength to get an appetizing appearance of your figure, strengthen your body and avoid losing muscle mass, which is what makes you attractive.

healthy food

Eat mostly unprocessed products and do not eliminate any of the macronutrients in your diet.

Don't go hungry, because low-calorie diets lead quickly to a loss of muscle mass and are the most important cause of the SKINNY FAT figure (the body in the clothes looks good, but without the clothes it is unappetizing).

healthy diet

Consume a minimum of 1.5g of protein depending on your lean body mass.

Do not overdo the amount of cardiovascular exercise, which with an unthinking diet and the whole training plan leads to loss of muscle tissue.

When you do not see progress, entrust your figure to specialists who will prepare a diet and training plan for you.

When you don't see any change in your figure, ask someone to check it out. You may be nonobjective and not see positive changes in your body.
Be patient. Fat loss is a marathon, not a race.

fitness girl